Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Types Of Major Faults Occures In Electrical Motor

Every electric motor has operating limits. Overshooting these limits will eventually destroy it and the systems it drives, the immediate effect being operating shutdown and losses.The major faults of any electrical motor can divide in to two and those can classified as Electrical faults and Mechanical faults. Some of major electrical and mechanical faults mentioned in bellow.

Electrical Faults

•    Power surges
•    Voltage drops
•    Phase unbalance 
•    Phase losses causing
•    Variations in the absorbed current
•    Short circuits

Mechanical Faults

•    Locked rotor
•    Momentary or prolonged overloads
•    Increasing the current absorbed by the motor
•    Heating windings of motor
•    Winding open circuit
•    Winding short circuit

The cost of these incidents can be high. It includes production loss, loss of raw materials, repair of the production equipment, non-quality production and delivery delays. These incidents can also have a serious impact on the safety of people in direct or indirect contact with the motor. These protections are ensured by special devices such as fuses, circuit breakers and overload relays or by integral devices with a range of protections.

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